Buying and selling your favorite new and used outdoor gear and apparel has never been easier. Simply use the YAK website or the YAKAPP, which is available for mobile devices in the Apple® App Store and Google Play™ store. With YAK, you can easily browse products, interact with other YAK users, take photos, list items, save money, and make money on the items you sell!
There’s no need to be apprehensive about adding to your gear collection or selling your gently used outdoor essentials. We here at YAK constantly strive to foster a safe, secure environment where like-minded outdoor adventure enthusiasts can interact and confidently buy and sell their favorite gear and apparel.
Alas, the time has finally come! Turn your old gear into cash. We want to thank you for following the YAK team and being with us as we step into this grand adventure. YAK is for any adventurer looking for great discounts on used outdoor gear and apparel or those avid outdoor enthusiasts that are looking to turn their old gear into cash. So, What are you waiting for? Join the adventure today and, as always, we want your feedback. Take a look around and see what its all about and let us know how we can improve your experience!
View AllStay tuned! We will be releasing the mobile app to the Apple AppStore, GooglePlay, and Windows in the coming week. Our application will be available for anyone on any device, which means your listed items will be marketed to thousands of users across the US and you will be able to browse through thousands of items to find what you need for your next adventure.
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